Details of the current event, or shows a message if no event is active or pending.
Notable Features
- Displays event details for all event types
- Victory points required for tiers in the top 100 players
- Your current VP and rank, and top threshold reward VP if not yet reached
- VP, rank, and VP difference for players above and below 10, 25, and 50 rank spots indicates effort required to move up or be moved down
- Faction (Shuttle) events
- All crew base skills including bonus values, with frozen status and traits
- VP gained by next shuttle success
- Supply (Galaxy) events
- Estimated number of craft turnings to complete to gain top reward threshold
- VP to be gained by turning in super rare event items gained by craft crits
- Show all bonus crew, including unowned crew
- Show crew with bonus values, whether they are on a shuttle or voyage, and other details
- Show all items to be crafted and which are a part of the 3 active missions
- Top three best crew to craft the item with a crit, chance to crit, and whether they are frozen
- Items used in all crafting missions and lowest cost (average items dropped per chron spent) in missions where they are farmed
- Current inventory amounts of items used to craft event items
- Missions where crafting material items can be farmed
- Skirmish events show crew ship skills for event bonus crew
- Expedition events show bonus crew